User Manual Modul PTSL (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap) 2018. 1. PENDAHULUAN. 1.1 Tujuan Buku Petunjuk Penggunaan Aplikasi KKP-PTSL
User Manual Aplikasi KKP-PTSL (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap) 2018 4.6 Pelaporan 4.6.1 Penyerahan Berkas Pada aplikasi PTSL Yuridis penyerahan berkas dapat dilakukan dengan cara : 1. Klik menu Penyerahan Berkas 2. masukkan Nomor Berkas 3. Phantom 3 Standard - Specs, FAQ, manual, video tutorials ... Jun 29, 2017 · The Phantom 3 Standard connects to the DJI GO app on your mobile device via its own WiFi network. First power on your remote controller and Phantom 3 Standard. Then connect your mobile device to the dedicated “PHANTOM 3_XXXXX” WiFi network, and open the DJI GO app. Details can be found in the user manual. EVALUASI PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI SMART PTSL DALAM … diperlukan dalam mengetahui kemanfaatan aplikasi SMART PTSL. Kata kunci: Peta kerja, integrasi data spasial dan tekstual, aplikasi SMART PTSL, kedayagunaan ABSTRACT The Availability of work maps is an initial stage that is very important for planning in the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL… Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide Use the Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide to access documentation related to Adobe Premiere Pro. Choose your topic from the left rail to access articles and tutorials or get started below.
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Version 2.2 ersion 2.0 2018 User Manual - INSW 2.0 Sri Rohayati 5 Feb 2018
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